Hybrid categories to define asymmetries across borders

1. For a change of paradigm

A small part of the language and common consciousness of  western democratic societies is the theory according to which  globalization includes both long-lasting and ongoing processes of  interdependent homologation and the asymmetric distribution of  power, in all its variants (constriction, conditioning, creativity)  and dimensions: territorial, political, social and last but not least,  symbolic. It is precisely the impact of the interlacement between  symbolic and material power that is actively and painfully  reconfiguring regions, identities and cultures throughout the globe,  but gradually and with diversified effects. Above all, this is  assumed and more widespread today than ten years ago, and  however we cannot forget the past effects and long-lasting  consequences of the long period of neo-liberal vision. The belief  in economic globalization in the western neo-liberist versions of  the 1980s, as in the macro-regional contemporary models of  Asiatic capitalism (from the Washington consensus to the Bejing  consensus), has weakened and even today discredits the ancient  common sense and age-old certainties according to which there is  a strong and structural relation between the decisions of  governments and institutions and the economic policy of states and  polities to which the former refer.

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