Diana Piroli

Diana Piroli
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa
diana.piroli@santannapisa.itDiana Piroli is a Post-doctoral Researcher (Assegnista di ricerca) at the Institute of Law, Politics, and Development (DIRPOLIS) at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. She obtained her Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Santa Catarina (2017-2021), Brazil, and worked as a research fellow at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Catania (2022-2023), Italy. She also actively participated in Marie-Curie Rise Project’s ‘Kant in South America’ (KANTINSA), coordinated by Prof. Luigi Caranti. Additionally, Dr. Piroli acted as visiting researcher in Argentina at CONICET (2023), in Belgium at Chaire Hoover (2022), and in Germany at the Center for Humanities and Social Change Berlin at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2019-2020).
Her work primarily concentrates on the relationship between theories of justice and recognition in liberal democracies. She has recently extended her research to climate issues, investigating and publishing about the recognition dimension in climate justice.